Parallax Inc.’s Shield-Bot robot is the focus of the activities, projects, and contests in this book. The Board of Education (BOE) Shield mounts on a metal chassis with servo motors and wheels. An Arduino Uno module—the programmable brain—plugs in underneath the BOE Shield.
The activities in this tutorial will guide you through building the mechanical parts and circuits that make the BOE Shield-Bot work. Then, you’ll write simple programs that make the Arduino and your robot do four essential robotic tasks:
To do the activities in this tutorial, you will need both software and software.
There are several hardware kit options for building a Parallax Shield-Bot.
Shop Shield-Bot Kit Options [1]
The Arduino Uno is the preferred module for the Shield-Bot robot.
This tutorial has also been tested with a Duemilanove and original Mega. These Arduino modules automatically decide whether to draw power from USB or an external source (like the Shield-Bot’s battery pack).
If you have an older model Arduino, you may have to set its power selection jumper. (Don’t worry about this if you have an Uno, Duemilanove, or Mega.) The circuit is labeled PWR_SEL. It’s three pins with a small cover called a shunt that slides over two of three pins. For now, make the shunt cover the USB and center pins. Later, when you switch to using the Shield-Bot’s battery pack, move the shunt to cover the EXT pin and center pin instead.
This tutorial requires the Arduino language 1.0 or higher. There are several recommended software options for using this language.
If this is your first time using an Arduino, Activity #1 will help you get started with your choice of software, connect your hardware, and test your programming connection. The rest of this chapter includes a series of example programs (called sketches) that introduce common programming concepts. The sketches will do some of the most basic yet important things for a robot:
These examples don’t require interaction with external circuits. In later chapters you will start building circuits and make your robot move. You will also learn additional programming techniques like keeping lists of values and writing pieces of reusable code.
Before continuing, is a good idea to make sure you have all of the correct parts to build and program your Shield-Bot.
Use the pictures and part numbers on the following pages to double-check the robot chassis parts, small hardware, and electronic components. If you need anything, contact
In Chapter 3, you will build your Shield-Bot on an aluminum chassis. It will use 5 AA batteries for a power supply.
Wheels will connect to servo motors to drive the Shield-Bot, and a tail wheel ball will attach to the chassis with a cotter pin.
Note: Wheel and tire styles have changed over time. Yours may look different, that's okay. You will see more than one style shown in this tutorial.
A bag of hardware supplies everything you will need to assemble your robot in Chapter 3. Note that both regular nuts and Nylon-core locknuts are provided. This kit is also available separately as the Robot Hardware Refresher Pack [6].
A bag of electronic components is included with your kit. You will use these parts to build circuits in almost every chapter of this book. This kit is also available separately as the Boe-Bot and Shield-Bot Refresher Pack [7].
Note: Your Infrared Receivers may look different, since suppliers change over time. If you ever need replacements, be sure to order the Infrared Receiver for Boe-Bot and Shield-Bot (#350-00039) [8].
Arduino programs are called sketches. If you type in all of the example sketches by hand, you'll develop your programming skills faster. But, sometimes it's helpful to have tested sketches on hand for troubleshooting circuts or finding bugs. So, all of the complete sketches are provided for your use below.
If this is your first time working with the Arduino system, you will need to set up a programming software option: Arduino IDE, Arduino Web Editor, or Codebender : edu.
Arduino IDE software and drivers install on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer. You do not need to be online to use it.
Codebender : edu is an online programming tool that works on Windows, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook, in a Chrome or Firefox browser session. You need to install a browser plug-in and drivers, and be online to use it. Registration for an account that may be shared in a classroom is required.
To get started using Codebender instead of the Arduino IDE, click here [13].
Here is a screen capture of the Arduino Development Environment edit pane on the left, containing a simple sketch that sends a “Hello!” message to the Serial Monitor window on the right.
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Hello!"); } void loop() { //Add code that repeats automatically here. }
Now you are ready to see How the Hello Sketch Code Works [14].
Now that you have an account to use with codebender : edu, and have installed the required plug-in and drivers, it is time to try a sketch!
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Hello!"); } void loop() { //Add code that repeats automatically here. }
Later, you can choose Open from this menu to re-open your sketch. Or, navigate to the un-zipped example code archive you downloaded previously to open sketches used in this book.
To keep things simple, the rest of the Shield Robot tutorials will feature directions and screen-captures for the Arduino IDE software.
A function is a container for statements (lines of code) that tell the Arduino to do certain jobs. The Arduino language has two built-in functions: setup and loop. The setup function is shown below. The Arduino executes the statements you put between the setup function’s curly braces, but only once at the beginning of the sketch.
In this example, both statements are function calls to functions in the Arduino’s built-in Serial pre-written code library: Serial.begin(speed) and Serial.print(val). Here, speed and val are parameters, each describing a value that its function needs passed to it to do its job. The sketch provides these values inside parentheses in each function call.
Serial.begin(9600); passes the value 9600 to the speed parameter. This tells the Arduino to get ready to exchange messages with the Serial Monitor at a data rate of 9600 bits per second. That’s 9600 binary ones or zeros per second, and is commonly called a baud rate.
Serial.print(val); passes the message “Hello!” to the val parameter. This tells the Arduino to send a series of binary ones and zeros to the Serial Monitor. The monitor decodes and displays that serial bitstream as the “Hello!” message.
After the setup function is done, the Arduino automatically skips to the loop function and starts doing what the statements in its curly braces tell it to do. Any statements in loop will be repeated over and over again, indefinitely. Since all this sketch is supposed to do is print one "Hello!" message, the loop function doesn’t have any actual commands. There’s just a notation for other programmers to read, called a comment. Anything to the right of // on a given line is for programmers to read, not for the Arduino software’s compiler. (A compiler takes your sketch code and converts it into numbers—a microcontroller’s native language.)
What is void? Why do these functions end in ()? The first line of a function is its definition, and it has three parts: return type, name, and parameter list. For example, in the function void setup() the return type is void, the name is setup, and the parameter list is empty – there’s nothing inside the parentheses (). Void means ‘nothing’—when another function calls setup or loop, these functions would not return a value. An empty parameter list means that these functions do not need to receive any values when they are called to do their jobs.
Microcontroller programs generally run in a loop, meaning that one or more statements are repeated over and over again. Remember that the loop function automatically repeats any code in its block (the statements in between its curly braces). Let’s try moving Serial.print("Hello!"); to the loop function. To slow down the rate at which the messages repeat, let’s also add a pause with the built-in delay(ms) function.
The added line delay(1000) passes the value 1000 to the delay function’s ms parameter. It’s requesting a delay of 1000 milliseconds. 1 ms is 1/1000 of a second. So, delay(1000) makes the sketch wait for 1000/1000 = 1 second before letting it move on to the next line of code.
How about having each "Hello!" message on a new line? That would make the messages scroll down the Serial Monitor, instead of across it. All you have to do is change print to println, which is short for ‘print line.’
Still have questions? Try the Arduino Language Reference. It’s a set of pages with links you can follow to learn more about setup, loop, print, println, delay, and lots of other functions you can use in your sketches.
If you are using Codebender, go to [15]
Variables are names you can create for storing, retrieving, and using values in the Arduino microcontroller’s memory. Here are three example variable declarations from the next sketch:
int a = 42; char c = 'm'; float root2 = sqrt(2.0);
The declaration int a = 42 creates a variable named a. The int part tells the Arduino software what type of variable it’s dealing with. The int type can store integer values ranging from -32,768 to 32,767. The declaration also assigns a an initial value of 42. (The initial value is optional, you could instead just declare int a, and then later assign the value 42 to a with a = 42.)
Next, char c = 'm' declares a variable named c of the type char (which is for storing characters) and then assigns it the value 'm'.
Then, float root2 = sqrt(2.0) declares a variable named root2. The variable type is float, which can hold decimal values. Here, root2 is initialized to the floating-point representation of the square root of two: sqrt(2.0).
Now that your code has stored values to memory, how can it retrieve and use them? One way is to simply pass each variable to a function’s parameter. Here are three examples, where the Serial.println(val) function displays the value of the variable inside the parentheses.
One nice thing about variable types is that Serial.println recognizes each type and displays it correctly in the serial monitor. (Also, the C++ compiler in the Arduino software requires all declared variables to have a type, so you can’t leave it out.)
// Robotics with the BOE Shield - StoreRetrieveLocal void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); int a = 42; char c = 'm'; float root2 = sqrt(2.0); Serial.println(a); Serial.println(c); Serial.println(root2); } void loop() { // Empty, no repeating code. }
ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Exchange.
It’s a common code system for representing computer keys and characters in displays. For example, both the Arduino and the Serial Monitor use the ASCII code 109 for the letter m. The declaration char c = 'm' makes the Arduino store the number 109 in the c variable. Serial.println(c) makes the Arduino send the number 109 to the Serial Monitor. When the Serial Monitor receives that 109, it automatically displays the letter m. View ASCII codes 0–127 [16].
There are two ways to prove that the ASCII code for 'm' really is 109. First, instead of declaring char c = 'm', you could use byte c = 'm'. Then, the println function will print the byte variable’s decimal value instead of the character it represents. Or, you could leave the char c declaration alone and instead use Serial.println(c, DEC) to display the decimal value c stores.
So, do you think the letters l, m, n, o, and p would be represented by the ASCII codes 108, 109, 110, 110, 111, and 112?
So far, we’ve declared variables inside a function block (inside the function’s curly braces), which means they are local variables. Only the function declaring a local variable can see or modify it. Also, a local variable only exists while the function that declares it is using it. After that, it gets returned to unallocated memory so that another function (like loop) could use that memory for a different local variable.
If your sketch has to give more than one function access to a variable’s value, you can use global variables. To make a variable global, just declare it outside of any function, preferably before the setup function. Then, all functions in the sketch will be able to modify or retrieve its value. The next example sketch declares global variables and assigns values to them from within a function.
This example sketch declares a, c, and root2 as global variables (instead of local). Now that they are global, both the setup and loop functions can access them.
// Robotics with the BOE Shield - StoreRetrieveGlobal int a; char c; float root2; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); a = 42; c = 'm'; root2 = sqrt(2.0); } void loop() { Serial.println(a); Serial.println(c); Serial.println(root2); delay(1000); }
There are lots more data types than just int, char, float, and byte.
Arithmetic operators are useful for doing calculations in your sketch. In this activity, we’ll focus on the basics: assignment (=), addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division(/), and modulus (%, the remainder of a division calculation).
The next example sketch, SimpleMath, adds the variables a and b together and stores the result in c. It also displays the result in the Serial Monitor.
Notice that c is now declared as an int, not a char variable type. Another point, int c = a + b uses the assignment operator (=) to copy the result of the addition operation that adds a to b. The figure below shows the expected result of 89 + 42 = 131 in the Serial Monitor.
// Robotics with the BOE Shield - SimpleMath void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); int a = 89; int b = 42; int c = a + b; Serial.print("a + b = "); Serial.println(c); } void loop() { // Empty, no repeating code. }
Fit your variables to the result values you need to store.
This will use less memory so you can write larger sketches that will execute more efficiently.
If you need to work with decimal point values, use float.
If you are using integer values (counting numbers), choose byte, int, or long.
If your results will always be an unsigned number from 0 to 255, use byte.
If your results will not exceed –32,768 to 32,767, an int variable can store your value.
If you need a larger range of values, try a long variable instead. It can store values from ‑2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
You still have –, *, /, and % to try out!
Imagine your BOE Shield-Bot will enter a contest where you have to make it travel in a circle, but the radius of the circle will only be announced a few minutes before the contest. In this situation, you’ll have an advantage if your code can calculate the circumference of the circle. The circumference is 2 × π × r, where r is the circle’s radius and π ≈ 3.14159. This calculation would be a lot easier to do with floating point math.
Here is a snippet of code that gets the job done. Notice that it uses PI instead of 3.14159. PI is a built-in C language constant (a named value that does not change throughout the sketch). Also notice that all the values have decimal points. That makes them all floating-point values.
float r = 0.75; float c = 2.0 * PI * r;
// Robotics with the BOE Shield - Circumference void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); float r = 0.75; float c = 2.0 * PI * r; Serial.print("circumference = "); Serial.println(c); } void loop() { // Empty, no repeating code. }
The area of a circle is a = π × r2. Hint: r2 can be expressed as simply r × r.
Your BOE Shield-Bot will need to make a lot of navigation decisions based on sensor inputs. Here is a simple sketch that demonstrates decision-making. It compares the value of a to b, and sends a message to tell you whether or not a is greater than b, with an if…else statement.
If the condition (a > b) is true, it executes the if statement’s code block: Serial.print("a is greater than b"). If a is not greater than b, it executes else code block instead: Serial.print("a is not greater than b").
// Robotics with the BOE Shield - SimpleDecisions void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); int a = 89; int b = 42; if(a > b) { Serial.print("a is greater than b"); } else { Serial.print("a is not greater than b"); } } void loop() { // Empty, no repeating code. }
Maybe you only need a message when a is greater than b. If that’s the case, you could cut out the else statement and its code block. So, all your setup function would have is the one if statement, like this:
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); int a = 89; int b = 42; if(a > b) { Serial.print("a is greater than b"); } }
Maybe your sketch needs to monitor for three conditions: greater than, less than, or equal. Then, you could use an if…else if…else statement.
if(a > b) { Serial.print("a is greater than b"); } else if(a < b) { Serial.print("b is greater than a"); } else { Serial.print("a is equal to b"); }
A sketch can also have multiple conditions with the Arduino's boolean operators, such as && and ||. The && operator means AND; the || operator means OR. For example, this statement’s block will execute only if a is greater than 50 AND b is less than 50:
if((a > 50) && (b < 50)) { Serial.print("Values in normal range"); }
Another example: this one prints the warning message if a is greater than 100 OR b is less than zero.
if((a > 100) || (b < 0)) { Serial.print("Danger Will Robinson!"); }
One last example: if you want to make a comparison to find out if two values are equal, you have to use two equal signs next to each other: ==.
if(a == b) { Serial.print("a and b are equal"); }
You can chain more else if statements after if.
The example in this activity only uses one else if, but you could use more.
The rest of the statement gets left behind after it finds a true condition.
If the if statement turns out to be true, its code block gets executed and the rest of the chain of else ifs gets passed by.
Many robotic tasks involve repeating an action over and over again. Next, we’ll look at two options for repeating code: the for loop and while loop. The for loop is commonly used for repeating a block of code a certain number of times. The while loop is used to keep repeating a block of code as long as a condition is true.
A for loop is typically used to make the statements in a code block repeat a certain number of times. For example, your BOE Shield-Bot will use five different values to make a sensor detect distance, so it needs to repeat a certain code block five times. For this task, we use a for loop. Here is an example that uses a for loop to count from 1 to 10 and display the values in the Serial Monitor.
// Robotics with the BOE Shield - CountToTen void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { Serial.println(i); delay(500); } Serial.println("All done!"); } void loop() { // Empty, no repeating code. }
The figure below shows the for loop from the last example sketch, CountTenTimes. It labels the three elements in the for loop’s parentheses that control how it counts.
The first time though the loop, the value of i starts at 1. So, Serial.println(i) displays the value 1 in the Serial Monitor. The next time through the loop, i++ has made the value of i increase by 1. After a delay (so you can watch the individual values appear in the Serial Monitor), the for statement checks to make sure the condition i <= 10 is still true. Since i now stores 2, it is true since 2 is less than 10, so it allows the code block to repeat again. This keeps repeating, but when i gets to 11, it does not execute the code block because it’s not true according to the i <= 10 condition.
As mentioned earlier, i++ uses the ++ increment operator to add 1 to the i variable each time through the for loop. There are also compound operators for decrement --, and compound arithmetic operators like +=, -=, *=, and /=. For example, the += operator can be used to write i = i + 1000 like this: i+=1000.
for(int i = 5000; i <= 15000; i+=1000)
In later chapters, you’ll use a while loop to keep repeating things while a sensor returns a certain value. We don’t have any sensors connected right now, so let’s just try counting to ten with a while loop:
int i = 0; while(i < 10) { i = i + 1; Serial.println(i); delay(500); }
Want to condense your code a little? You can use the increment operator (++) to increase the value of i inside the Serial.println statement. Notice that ++ is on the left side of the i variable in the example below. When ++ is on the left of a variable, it adds 1 to the value of i before the println function executes. If you put ++ to the right, it would add 1 after println executes, so the display would start at zero.
int i = 0; while(i < 10) { Serial.println(++i); delay(500); }
The loop function, which must be in every Arduino sketch, repeats indefinitely. Another way to make a block of statements repeat indefinitely in a loop is like this:
int i = 0; while(true) { Serial.println(++i); delay(500); }
So why does this work? A while loop keeps repeating as long as what is in its parentheses evaluates as true. The word 'true' is actually a pre-defined constant, so while(true) is always true, and will keep the while loop looping. Can you guess what while(false) would do?
The next sketch, CountToTenDocumented, is different from CountToTen in several ways. First, it has a block comment at the top. A block comment starts with /* and ends with */, and you can write as many lines of notes in between as you want. Also, each line of code has a line comment (starting with // ) to its right, explaining what the code does.
Last, two const int (constants that are integers) are declared at the beginning of the sketch, giving the names startVal, endVal, and baudRate to the values 1, 10, and 9600. Then, the sketch uses these names wherever it requires these values.
/* Robotics with the BOE Shield – CountToTenDocumented This sketch displays an up-count from 1 to 10 in the Serial Monitor */ const int startVal = 1; // Starting value for counting const int endVal = 10; // Ending value for counting const int baudRate = 9600; // For setting baud rate void setup() // Built in initialization block { Serial.begin(baudRate); // Set data rate to baudRate for(int i = startVal; i <= endVal; i++) // Count from startVal to endVal { Serial.println(i); // Display i in Serial Monitor delay(500); // Pause 0.5 s between values } Serial.println("All done!"); // Display message when done } void loop() // Main loop auto-repeats { // Empty, no repeating code. }
Documenting code is the process of writing notes about what each part of the program does. You can help make your code self-documenting by picking variable and constant names that help make the program more self-explanatory. If you are thinking about working in a field that involves programming, it’s a good habit to start now. Why?
In addition to making your code easier to read, constants allow you to adjust an often-used value quickly and accurately by updating a single constant declaration. Trying to find and update each instance of an unnamed value by hand is an easy way to create bugs in your sketch.
After going to the Arduino site to install and test your software and programming connection, this chapter guided you through several programming activities. These example sketches showed you how to make your microcontroller do some common tasks, introduced many programming concepts, and suggested a couple of good habits to develop your computer skills.
Serial.print("the value of i = "); Serial.println(i);
long bigVal = 80000000;
if(myVar % 2 == 0) { Serial.println("The variable is even. "); } else { Serial.println("The variable is odd. "); }
for(int i = 21; i <= 39; i+=3) { Serial.print("i = "); Serial.println(i); }
char c = "a"; Serial.print("Character = "); Serial.print(c); Serial.print(" ASCII value = "); Serial.println(c, DEC);
for(char c = 'A'; c <='Z'; c++){}
// Robotics with the BOE Shield - Chapter 1, Project 1 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); for(char c = ' '; c <= '~'; c++) { Serial.print("Character = "); Serial.print(c); Serial.print(" ASCII value = "); Serial.println(c, DEC); } Serial.println("All done!"); } void loop() { // Empty, no repeating code. }
// Robotics with the BOE Shield - Chapter 1, Project 2 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); int a = 20; if(a % 2 == 0) { Serial.print("a is even"); } else { Serial.print("a is odd"); } } void loop() { // Empty, no repeating code. }
[4] Shield-Bot