Navigate the Maze

The Whole Shebang

Congratulations, you’ve completed the calibration process!  After calibration, the final program may seem long, but it’s really just a compilation of all the short programs we’ve just written and tested. Breaking maze navigation, or and any other robotic problem, down into small pieces and calibrating at each step helps ensure success.  If you develop these habits now, it can save you tremendous amounts of time preparing for your next robotics project or contest entry.

The final code has some extra features to make navigation more reliable.  For example, there’s a Turn_Check subroutine that prevents the Boe-Bot from misinterpreting %0111 or %1110 as a full 90° turn.  It’s true that those QTI patterns do sometimes indicate a turn, but the same patterns can also indicate that the Boe-Bot has just drifted a little to the left or right of the line.  The Turn_Check subroutine figures out whether the Boe-Bot is off course or on a turn by:

  • Moving the Boe-Bot forward for 5 pulses
  • Obtaining another QTI reading
  • If the sensors still tell Boe-Bot to turn, it will, any other reading returns the program to the main routine for line adjustment

Another extra feature of the final code is that each SELECT…CASE statement in the main routine is sent to a subroutine.  This is because we want the code to execute as quickly as possible.  Each QTI reading is crucial to accurate maze navigation, so the faster the main routine executes, the more QTI readings we obtain.  If we put every movement in the main routine, this severely slows down our code, which could cause missed readings in important areas, such as turns or T-intersections.  That’s why the code in the main routine only checks the QTI states, and depending on the result, gets sent to the corresponding subroutine.

Before the code below will work on your Boe-Bot, it is essential for you to go through and update all the values you determined in this project’s calibration and testing steps.  When running your Boe-Bot through the maze, you may find that some values need to be adjusted to account for unforeseen obstacles.  That’s OK!  Experiment with the code until your Boe-Bot can consistently navigate through your electrical tape maze.

' -----[ Title ]-------------------------------------------------------------

' FullMazeNavigation.bs2

' Navigate your Boe-Bot through a "maze" made of electrical tape using the QTI

' Line Follower App Kit.

' IMPORTANT: This program has several operations that have to be tuned before

' it will work right! Follow the instructions above before running this

' program.

' {$STAMP BS2}                            ' Target device = BASIC Stamp 2

' {$PBASIC 2.5}                           ' Language = PBASIC 2.5

' -----[ Variables ]---------------------------------------------------------

rng             VAR   Byte                ' Random number generator variable

pulseCount      VAR   Byte                ' FOR..NEXT loop counter for turning

turnDecision    VAR   rng.BIT0            ' Bit 0 of random number generated

AI              VAR   Bit                 ' "AI" remembers dead ends

qtis            VAR   Nib                 ' QTI black/white states

' -----[ Initialization ]----------------------------------------------------

OUTB = %1111                              ' Set OUTB bits to 1

AI = 0                                    ' Set AI variable to 0

FREQOUT 15, 1000, 2000                    ' Battery Tester

' -----[ Main Routine ]------------------------------------------------------

DO                                        ' Main DO...LOOP

  RANDOM rng                              ' Create a random number

  GOSUB Check_Qtis                        ' Get QTI states

  SELECT qtis

  CASE %0110                 ' Mid Left and Right sensors detected, go forward

    GOSUB Forward

  CASE %1100                 ' Far and Mid Left sensors detected = off track

    GOSUB BackOnTrack_TwoSensorsLeft

  CASE %0011                 ' Far and Mid Right sensor detected = off track

    GOSUB BackOnTrack_TwoSensorsRight

  CASE %1110, %0111          ' Turn Detected

    GOSUB Turn_Check

  CASE %1111                 ' All sensors detected = T-Intersection

    GOSUB T_Intersection

  CASE %0000                 ' No track = dead end

    GOSUB Dead_End

  CASE %0001                 ' Far Right sensor detected = off track

    GOSUB BackOnTrack_OneSensorRight

  CASE %1000                 ' Far Left sensor detected = off track

    GOSUB BackOnTrack_OneSensorLeft

  CASE ELSE                  ' Any other combination, move forward until

    PULSOUT 13, 770          ' something else is detected.

    PULSOUT 12, 730

    PAUSE 20



' -----[ Subroutines - Check_Qtis ]------------------------------------------

' Checks the state of each QTI Sensor. 0 means white surface, 1 means black


  DIRB = %1111                            ' P7..P4 -> output

  PAUSE 0                                 ' Delay = 230 us

  DIRB = %0000                            ' P7..P4 -> input

  PAUSE 0                                 ' Delay = 230 us

  qtis = INB                              ' Store QTI outputs in INB


' -----[ Subroutines - Forward ]---------------------------------------------

' Boe-Bot moves forward.


  PULSOUT 13, 770

  PULSOUT 12, 730

  PAUSE 20


' -----[ Subroutines - Turn_Check ]------------------------------------------

' When three sensors are detected, this subroutine checks if there is actually

' a turn, or if the Boe-Bot got off track.


  PULSOUT 13, 750                         ' Stop moving

  PULSOUT 12, 750

  FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 5                 ' Move forward a bit

    PULSOUT 13, 770

    PULSOUT 12, 730

    PAUSE 20


  GOSUB Check_Qtis                        ' Check the new QTI states

  SELECT qtis

  CASE %1110                              ' Left turn is detected

    GOSUB AI_Decision

  CASE %0111                              ' Right turn is detected

    GOSUB Turn_Right

  CASE ELSE                               ' Boe-Bot was off track,

    RETURN                                ' return to main routine loop



' -----[ Subroutines - AI_Decision ]-----------------------------------------

' When a left turn is detected, check if the Boe-Bot hit a dead end last.

' This will keep it from returning to Start.


  IF (AI = 1) THEN          ' If the AI variable is 1, Boe-Bot was in dead end

    AI = 0                  ' Set AI variable to 0

    GOSUB Ignore_Turn       ' Ignore the turn that leads to Start

  ELSEIF (AI = 0) THEN      ' If the AI variable is 0, Boe-Bot was not in

    GOSUB Turn_Left         ' dead end, so it's OK to turn left.



' -----[ Subroutines - Ignore_Turn ]-----------------------------------------

' AI variable was 1, so ignore the left turn by going forward for 50 pulses.


  FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 50

    PULSOUT 13, 770

    PULSOUT 12, 730

    PAUSE 20



' -----[ Subroutines - Turn_Left ]-------------------------------------------

' Boe-Bot executes a left turn.


  FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 15       ' Go forward a bit so Boe-Bot stays on course

    PULSOUT 13, 770

    PULSOUT 12, 730

    PAUSE 20


  FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 17                ' Turn left, about 90-degrees

    PULSOUT 13, 650

    PULSOUT 12, 650

    PAUSE 20



' -----[ Subroutines - Turn_Right ]------------------------------------------

' Boe-Bot executes a right turn.


  FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 15       ' Go forward a bit so Boe-Bot stays on course

    PULSOUT 13, 770

    PULSOUT 12, 730

   PAUSE 20


  FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 17       ' Turn right, about 90-degrees

    PULSOUT 13, 850

    PULSOUT 12, 850

    PAUSE 20



' -----[ Subroutines - T_Intersection ]--------------------------------------

' Boe-Bot makes a random turn when it comes to a T-Intersection


  IF turnDecision = 0 THEN                ' If Bit0 is 0 then turn right

    GOSUB Turn_Right

  ELSEIF turnDecision = 1 THEN            ' If Bit0 is 1 then turn left

    GOSUB Turn_Left



' -----[ Subroutines - Dead_End ]--------------------------------------------

' Boe-Bot detects a dead end, backs up, and turns around to get back on track.



    GOSUB Check_Qtis

    PULSOUT 13, 730

    PULSOUT 12, 770

    PAUSE 20

  LOOP UNTIL (qtis = %0111)

  IF (qtis = %0111) THEN

    PAUSE 20

    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 15

      PULSOUT 13, 770

      PULSOUT 12, 730

      PAUSE 20


    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 17

      PULSOUT 13, 850

      PULSOUT 12, 850

      PAUSE 20



  AI = 1


' -----[ Subroutines - BackOnTrack_TwoSensorsLeft ]--------------------------

' Boe-Bot is off track.  Boe-Bot slowly rotates until the two middle sensors

' are detected, and then centers itself on the line.

  PULSOUT 13, 750                         ' Stop

  PULSOUT 12, 750


    GOSUB Check_Qtis                      ' Slowly rotate until the middle

    PULSOUT 13, 750                       ' QTIs are back on the line

    PULSOUT 12, 740

    PAUSE 20

  LOOP UNTIL (qtis = %0110)

  IF (qtis = %0110) THEN                  ' When the middle QTIs are back

    FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 20              ' on the line, rotate left for

      PULSOUT 13, 750                     ' 20 pulses and then rotate right

      PULSOUT 12, 730                     ' for 10 pulses to center the Boe-

      PAUSE 20                            ' Bot on the line.


    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 10

      PULSOUT 13, 770

      PULSOUT 12, 750

      PAUSE 20




' -----[ Subroutines - BackOnTrack_TwoSensorsRight ]-------------------------

' Boe-Bot is off track.  Boe-Bot slowly rotates until the two middle sensors

' are detected, and then centers itself on the line.

  PULSOUT 13, 750                         ' Stop

  PULSOUT 12, 750


    GOSUB Check_Qtis                      ' Slowly rotate until the middle

    PULSOUT 13, 760                       ' QTIs are back on the line

    PULSOUT 12, 750

    PAUSE 20

  LOOP UNTIL (qtis = %0110)

  IF (qtis = %0110) THEN                  ' When the middle QTIs are back

    FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 20              ' on the line, rotate right for

      PULSOUT 13, 770                     ' 20 pulses and then rotate left

      PULSOUT 12, 750                     ' for 10 pulses to center the Boe-

      PAUSE 20                            ' Bot on the line.


    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 10

      PULSOUT 13, 750

      PULSOUT 12, 730

      PAUSE 20




' -----[ Subroutines - BackOnTrack_OneSensorLeft ]---------------------------

' Boe-Bot is off track.  Boe-Bot slowly rotates until the two middle sensors

' are detected, and then centers itself on the line.


  PULSOUT 13, 750                         ' Stop

  PULSOUT 12, 750

  DO                                      ' Slowly rotate until the middle

    GOSUB Check_Qtis                      ' QTIs are back on the line

    PULSOUT 13, 750

    PULSOUT 12, 740

    PAUSE 20

  LOOP UNTIL (qtis = %0110)

  IF (qtis = %0110) THEN                  ' When the middle QTIs are back

    FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 20              ' on the line, rotate left for

      PULSOUT 13, 750                     ' 20 pulses and then rotate right

      PULSOUT 12, 740                     ' for 10 pulses to center the Boe-

      PAUSE 20                            ' Bot on the line.


    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 10

      PULSOUT 13, 770

      PULSOUT 12, 750

      PAUSE 20




' -----[ Subroutines - BackOnTrack_OneSensorRight ]--------------------------

' Boe-Bot is off track.  Boe-Bot slowly rotates until the two middle sensors

' are detected, and then centers itself on the line.


  PULSOUT 13, 750                         ' Stop

  PULSOUT 12, 750


    GOSUB Check_Qtis                      ' Slowly rotate until the middle

    PULSOUT 13, 760                       ' QTIs are back on the line

    PULSOUT 12, 750

    PAUSE 20

  LOOP UNTIL (qtis = %0110)

  IF (qtis = %0110) THEN                  ' When the middle QTIs are back

    FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 20              ' on the line, rotate right for

      PULSOUT 13, 760                     ' 20 pulses and then rotate left

      PULSOUT 12, 750                     ' for 10 pulses to center the Boe-

      PAUSE 20                            ' Bot on the line.


    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 10

      PULSOUT 13, 750

      PULSOUT 12, 730

      PAUSE 20





Your Turn: Challenge Yourself and Friends!

Although this code was written specifically for the maze shown in Figure 2 (previous section), it can be adapted to a variety of other situations as well as expanded for more complex mazes.  Challenge yourself by creating a random maze and see if you can program your Boe-Bot to get through it!  You can also challenge your friends and see who can best navigate through mazes, or who can do it the fastest. As a final touch, try adding obstacles that can be detected by whiskers, infrared or light sensors, and try programming your Boe-Bot to navigate around these obstacles and get back on the maze.