Drive the Shield-Bot

Navigation Modes

  • On the remote, push Power, then push 1, 2 or 3 to select a navigation mode. 

Power-1: Remote control

In this mode, use buttons 1-9 to drive the robot in different directions.  Note that the sketch still uses the IR emitter/receiver pairs to check for an obstacle in front.  If you try to drive your Shield-Bot into a wall, it won't let you.  Smart robot!

Use the remote keypad numbers to make the BOE Shield-Bot drive in different directions



Power-2: Autonomous IR Roaming

In this mode, the Shield-Bot uses its IR emitter/receiver pairs to roam autonomously and avoid obstacles.

Power-3: Follow the Leader

In this mode, the Shield-Bot uses its IR emitter/receiver pairs to maintain a set distance from a stationary or moving object in front of it.  The robot will follow your hand or another robot.