Here is an example of controlling the ActivityBot with the SimpleIDE Terminal and your computer keyboard. You can just type like f, b, l, r, and s, to make the ActivityBot go forward, backward, left, right, and stop. The speeds are currently really slow (+/-32), but you can increase those values once you’re sure your ActivityBot won’t try to drive off the table.
/* Keyboard Controlled ActivityBot.c */ #include "simpletools.h" // Library includes #include "abdrive.h" terminal *term; // For full duplex serial terminal char c = 0; // Stores character input int main() // Main function { simpleterm_close(); // Close default same-cog terminal term = fdserial_open(31, 30, 0, 115200); // Set up other cog for terminal drive_speed(0, 0); // Start drive system at 0 speed // Display user instructions and prompt. dprint(term, "Check Echo On in SimpleIDE Terminal\n\n"); dprint(term, "f = Forward\nb = Backward\nl = Left\nr = Right\n\n>"); while(1) // Main loop { c = fdserial_rxTime(term, 50); // Get character from terminal if(c == 'f') drive_speed(32, 32); // If 'f' then forward if(c == 'b') drive_speed(-32, -32); // If 'b' then backward if(c == 'l') drive_speed(-32, 32); // If 'l' then left if(c == 'r') drive_speed(32, -32); // If 'r' then right if(c == 's') drive_speed(0, 0); // If 's' then stop } }
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Here is an example of controlling the ActivityBot with the SimpleIDE Terminal and your computer keyboard. You can just type like f, b, l, r, and s, to make the ActivityBot go forward, backward, left, right, and stop. The speeds are currently really slow (+/-32), but you can increase those values once you’re sure your ActivityBot won’t try to drive off the table.
/* Keyboard Controlled ActivityBot.c */ #include "simpletools.h" // Library includes #include "abdrive.h" terminal *term; // For full duplex serial terminal char c = 0; // Stores character input int main() // Main function { simpleterm_close(); // Close default same-cog terminal term = fdserial_open(31, 30, 0, 115200); // Set up other cog for terminal drive_speed(0, 0); // Start drive system at 0 speed // Display user instructions and prompt. dprint(term, "Check Echo On in SimpleIDE Terminal\n\n"); dprint(term, "f = Forward\nb = Backward\nl = Left\nr = Right\n\n>"); while(1) // Main loop { c = fdserial_rxTime(term, 50); // Get character from terminal if(c == 'f') drive_speed(32, 32); // If 'f' then forward if(c == 'b') drive_speed(-32, -32); // If 'b' then backward if(c == 'l') drive_speed(-32, 32); // If 'l' then left if(c == 'r') drive_speed(32, -32); // If 'r' then right if(c == 's') drive_speed(0, 0); // If 's' then stop } }