This challenge consists of each SumoBot robot seeking out the opponent robot and pushing it out of the Sumo Ring (thereby earning a Yuko point), and to avoid being pushed out of the Sumo Ring itself.
SumoBot Hardware Rules
- The only allowed robot is the SumoBot Robot by Parallax Inc. Kit options:
- SumoBot Robot Kit (#27400)
- (This kit contains 1 robot, 2 infrared transmitter/receiver pairs, and 2 QTI sensors)
- SumoBot Competition Kit (#27402)
- (This kit contains 2 robots, 10 infrared transmitter/receiver pairs, and 4 QTI sensors)
- Each robot may have only the following sensors, in these maximum quantities:
- 5 Infrared (IR) LED assemblies (#350-00017)
- 5 Infrared Receivers (#350-00014)
- 4 QTI Sensors (#555-27401)
- Each SumoBot may also use the additional pushbuttons, piezospeakers, resistors, and other non-sensor components that are included in either of the SumoBot kits.
- Additional screws and standoffs the same as those found in the SumoBot kits are also permitted for mount a third and fourth QTI sensor to the SumoBot chassis.
- No motors other than two Parallax Continuous Rotation Servos included with the SumoBot Kits are allowed.
- It is permissible to glue the rubber band tires in the SumoBot kits to the SumoBot wheels. No other tires are allowed, and nothing may be applied to the outside of the tires.
- The robot must have a label with the team name on it during the competition.
- A robot with all of its sensors attached must be in such a size that it can be put in a square container 10 cm wide and 10 cm deep. It must not be in such a design that its body will be physically separated into pieces when a match starts. The robot with such a design shall lose the match. Screws or nuts or other robot parts, with a mass of less than 5 grams total, falling off from a robot’s body shall not cause the loss of the match.
- The mass of a robot must be 500 grams or less including all attachments, parts, and batteries.
- No additional power supplies are allowed. Only 4 AA batteries may be used.
- Robots must be programmed to start operating a minimum of five seconds after a start switch is pressed (or any method that invokes the operation of a robot without the use of remote control).
- The following are not permitted:
- Jamming devices, such as an IR LED intended to saturate the opponent’s IR sensor – such devices are not permitted to be operated by robots, by team members, subject to disqualification, by audience members in the Competition Hall, subject to removal from the Competition Hall.
- Parts that could break or damage the Sumo Ring. Do not use parts that are intended to damage the opponent’s robot or its operator. Normal pushes and bangs are not considered intent to damage.
- Devices that can store solids, liquid, powder, or air, or produce flame, to throw at the opponent or the Sumo Ring.
- Devices or materials to stick a robot down onto the Sumo Ring(such as double sticky foam tape) or any device to assist in adding more down force (such as a vacuum device).
Sumo Ring and Ring Area
- The Ring Area means the Sumo Ring and the space 2 meters outside the Sumo Ring.
- The Sumo Ring is:
- Circular
- 2.5 cm tall
- 77 cm diamter (including the outside of the line that divides the inside of the Sumo Ring from its outside).
- Black, with a hard, non-infrared-reflective surface painted or adhered on top of the Sumo Ring.
- Marked with Shikiri lines (where robots stand at the beginning of the match), which are the two parallel lines 10 cm apart drawn in the center of the Sumo Ring. The Shikiri lines are dark grey or brown (or equivalent for non-reflection of IR light), 1 cm wide and 10cm long.
- Edged with a white circular Tawara line along the perimeter, 2.5 cm wide. The Sumo Ring is within the outside of this circular line.
- The Ring Area is a space at least 2 meters wide in every direction from the outer edge of the Sumo Ring. This space can be of any color or surface that does not reflect infrared light back to the robots in the Sumo Ring.

The Match Rules
- Only one member and one robot from each team participates during a match.
- One match shall consist of up to 3 rounds, within a total time of 3 minutes, unless extended by the Judges.
- The following will not count as part of the elapsed 3-minute time limit:
- The time between the referee or judge announcing a Yuko point and the start of the next round.
- Any time elapsed when the judge or referee stops the match for any other reason.
- At the beginning of a match, a contestant from each team enters the Ring Area, bows to the opponent, and places a robot behind the closest Shikiri line or the imaginary extended Shikiri line.
- When the judge or referee announces the start of the round, each contestant uses a button or switch to activate the robot. THE ROBOT IS NOT ALLOWED TO MOVE UNTIL 5 SECONDS AFTER ACTIVATION, during which time the players must clear out of the Ring Area.
- One Yuko point shall be given when:
- Your robot has forced the body of your opponent’s robot to touch the Ring Area surface outside the Sumo Ring, which includes the side of the Sumo Ring itself.
- Your opponent’s robot has touched the Ring Area surface outside the Sumo Ring, on its own.
- Either of the above takes place at the same time that the Time End of the Match is announced.
- A player re-enters the Ring Area without the judge or referee’s permission – the opposing team is awarded one Yuko point.
- A robot does NOT remain still for at least 5 seconds after activation at the beginning of the round – the opposing team is awarded one Yuko point.
- When a robot is knocked over or falls over but remains within the Sumo Ring, no point is given and the round continues.
- A round ends when:
- Either robot touches the space outside the Sumo Ring, in the Ring Area.
- The end of the 3-minute overall time limit is reached without either robot exiting the Sumo Ring.
- A player re-enters the Ring Area without the judge or referee’s permission.
- A robot does NOT remain still for at least 5 seconds after activation at the beginning of the round.
- A match ends when the Referee or Judge calls a winner, after:
- A team wins two rounds or receives two Yuko points first – that team wins.
- The 3-minute time limit is reached before one team can get two Yuko points, and one of the teams has received one Yuko and the other no Yuko points – the team with one Yuko point wins.
- A rematch shall be held if:
- The match ends in a 1-1 or 0-0 tie; the team who receives the first Yuko point during the rematch shall win.
- Both robots touch outside of the Sumo Ring at about that same time and the referee or judge cannot determine which robot scored the winning Yuko point first.
- If a rematch does not result in one team winning by earning Yuko points, the winner may be decided by the judge in one of two ways:
- Judging the apparent capability and performance of the robots and the sportsmanship of the robotics team.
- By flipping a coin.
(Based on rules reprinted with permission from Bill Harrison, Sine Robotics)