Step 1 – Prepare External Encoders
Have Feedback 360° Servos? If yes, skip this step.
Go to Step 2 – Prepare Tires.
Prepare the External Encoders
These parts are bagged together as the ActivityBot Encoder Kit. Save the resistors; you will need them later for Electrical Connections.
Parts needed for this step:
- (2) sharp infrared sensor (#350-00038)
- (2) cable for encoders (#805-28107)
- (2) encoder bracket (#721-00031)
Assemble the right and left encoders to be mirror images of each other.
- Place an encoder sensor on each encoder plate, with the cable socket facing the hook end.
- Secure each sensor to its plate with a black 1/4″ screw. It will not need a nut to secure it – the plastic plate will hold it in place.
- Push the white plug end of an encoder cable into each sensor’s socket. It should only insert one way; make sure it seats in all the way.