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Are you an Educator? Let's chat!

Free tutorials and supplementary educator materials? You bet!
Educators, just log in with your Learn account to access resources for all of our small robot platforms.
Don’t have an account yet? Use the form at the top of the page to request one.

ActivityBot 360° + BlocklyProp = Robotics Made Simple
New to coding and don’t want to start with text-based languages quite yet? Our super-popular and beginner-friendly ActivityBot 360° Robot is the perfect starting point when paired with the BlocklyProp visual programming system.
Jump into the tutorial series to start learning!

New to Electronics? Start by Learning How to Breadboard
If you’re ready to jump from basic programming into circuit-building, it’s important to first understand the basic concepts of breadboarding.
Avoid common mistakes and potential hardware damage by watching a quick video explaining the physical construction, function, and proper use of a standard breadboard.

Robotics with the BOE Shield and Arduino
Go beyond basic programming with your Arduino - take it to the next level with robotics! Build, program, and autonomously navigate using a variety of sensors like infrared, visible light, whiskers and more.
Give these "Shield-Bot" tutorials a test drive.