How the Wireless Controlled Bot Script Works
Like the transmitter script, the wireless receiver script’s import and radio calls are also similar to The radio.config call’s length is set to 64 to accommodate longer strings if needed. More importantly, since it has to actually control the cyber:bot, from microbit import * was changed to from cyberbot import *.
# terminal_controlled_bot_wireless from cyberbot import * import radio radio.on() radio.config(channel=7,length=64) sleep(1000) print("Ready...\n")
Inside the main loop, the script rapidly and repeatedly checks the radio.receive() method. If the micro:bit has not received a radio message, it returns None. If the micro:bit receives a packet (because you finished typing all three values and pressed Enter), then radio.receive returns a string that contains the dictionary. That gets stored in a variable named packet.
while True: packet = radio.receive()
When radio.receive returns None, the rest of the script gets skipped and the while(True) loop repeats. When radio.receive returns a string (with characters that represent a dictionary), the statements under if packet is not non are executed, starting with printing the packet. (You can only see that if you have the cyber:bot tethered and connected to a terminal.)
if packet is not None: print("Receive: ", packet)
This statement converts a string containing a dictionary into an actual dictionary. The result is named dictionary.
dictionary = eval(packet)
Assuming you typed 25, -25, 1000 in response to the prompts, the dictionary will be something like {‘vL’: 25, ‘vR’: -25, ‘ms’: 1000}. (Again, the order of the key-value pairs doesn’t matter since you use the key to find its corresponding value.) These statements use the ‘vL’, ‘vR’, and ‘ms’ keys to fetch the 25, -25, and 1000 values.
vL = dictionary['vL'] vR = dictionary['vR'] ms = dictionary['ms']
With the variables named vL, vR, and ms now storing the correct values, all that’s left is to make the left and right wheels turn at 25 and -25. And, keep that maneuver going for 1000 ms with sleep before stopping the servos again.
bot(18).servo_speed(vL) bot(19).servo_speed(-vR) sleep(ms) bot(18).servo_speed(None) bot(19).servo_speed(None)