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Propeller C – Simple Protocols

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This is a C-language tutorial for the 8-core Propeller microcontroller. It features the Propeller Activity Board but other Propeller development boards will work.

What it’s about

Many projects utilize devices that communicate with microcontrollers using a protocol.  Some examples of common communication protocols are: half- and full-duplex serial, inter-integrated circuit (I2C), and serial peripheral interface (SPI).  In many cases, you’ll use a library to talk with a device, and that library in turn includes a protocol library to perform the actual communication.  An example of this is the HMC5883L compass.  The library uses the simpletools i2c_in and i2c_out functions to communicate with the device, and the functions you call at the application level simply supply the measured number of degrees from magnetic north.

Instead of using pre-written libraries for devices, this tutorial series’ activities demonstrate how to communicate with devices, starting with the protocol information that comes in the product documents and/or datasheets.  These activities can be good practice for when you find a device you want to use that doesn’t already have a pre-written library, and also for wrapping the communication layer into a Simple Library.

Before you start

If you have no experience with C programming or have not completed the Simple Devices tutorial series, we advise completing all of the following steps before beginning Simple Protocols:

After you finish

  • Once you are done here you will have a better understanding of what kinds of devices use which type of communication, as well as having gained hands-on experience with using some common C protocol libraries.