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Simple BlocklyProp Programs for Propeller Boards

All levels
8 lessons
0 quizzes
4 students

Ready to learn to program with BlocklyProp? You are in the right place.

What it’s about

This set of activities will help you get familiar with the basic BlocklyProp blocks, how to use them, and how they work together.  You will build programs for common coding tasks: naming and using values, doing math problems, making decisions, and repeating sections of code.

Hardware needed

This set of lessons requires only your Propeller development board, its source of power, and its USB programming cable.  It is written for the Propeller Activity Board WX that comes with the ActivityBot Robot Kit, Arlo Complete Robot System, and BlocklyProp Starter Kit. It is also compatible with the Propeller FLiP module. Other Propeller-based boards that have the same connections to a 5 MHz oscillator and the same type of EEPROM, such as the Hackable Electronic Badges, will also work with most blocks.

Before you start

After you finish