ActivityBot Resources

The ActivityBot 360° Robot is our most capable and versatile small robot. Perfect for classrooms in middle school level and above, this robot can be programmed with the visual BlocklyProp programming tool or in text-based C-language.

With its block-based approach to program building, BlocklyProp is a perfect entry point for students who are new to programming, electronics, and robotics, or who may struggle with traditional text-based programming.

If you are logged into as a registered educator, links for educator-only pages containing downloadable resources will appear at the bottom of this page (if available). If not, you will see a lock symbol.  To request an educator login for, email us at using a valid school email address.  

University of California/California State University A-G Program Articulation 
You must have a login for the UC/CSU website to access the Parallax-approved A-G course articulation. The general Parallax-approved landing page is here (scroll to the bottom). Once you’re logged in, use the following course codes to access the Parallax approvals: 

  • YZN8DG | Robotics with the ActivityBot
  • B5CDBZ | Robotics with the Boe-Bot
  • XSCQW4 | What’s a Microcontroller
  • JEZMR8 | Robotics for the BOE Shield for Arduino
  • DQBFCA | Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones) with the Parallax ELEV-8 v3
Private Educator Access Only

Educator Only Access - Additional Resources are available for registered educators!

You either aren't logged in as a verified educator, or you do not have an educator account with us. If you are an educator and you are using Parallax products in your classroom, or you are interested in knowing more about what resources are available, we encourage you to request access to these additional curriculum and assessment resources.

To request educator-only access, please introduce yourself to our Educational Staff. We usually request some basic information to qualify as an educator, contact us at