Propeller Clock

Here is my entry to the “Hack the Halls!” contest. I started making this out for my brother and when I saw the contest I figured I’ll post and see how I do. Check out the video:

It was supposed to be a simple project to help me get better with using the Propeller microcontroller but it turned out to be a great challenge. Here’s a short summary of the components:

  • A 555 timer generates an AC signal to a power MOSFET to deliver current through the primary coils of an air core transformer to get power to the rotating propeller.
  • The secondary coil (attached to the rotating propeller) picks up the AC signal.
  • The AC signal goes through some circuitry (see schematic below) to get a 3.3V to power the components on the propeller.
  • A 2nd 555 timer generates a ~38KHz signal to the IR LED
  • IR detector at the propeller picks up the IR signal for reference
  • DS1302 was used to keep track of the time

It’s programmed to display the clock except on Christmas day when it will read “Merry Christmas” in the bottom and my family’s name’s on the top for 30 seconds every minute (as shown in the video). This year will be my first year that I don’t get to spend it with my family so when they see the clock I’ll still be able to wish them a Merry Christmas 🙂 On New Years it will say “Happy New Years” for 30 seconds every minute. On a regular day it will read “get better soon brother” at the beginning of each hour (my brother started taking dialysis this year so I wanted to make something to cheer him up).

Also, I’d like to give credit to those that are due. I picked up some ideas from “Tjaco’s design graveyard” where he has a schematic of a propeller clock he built. Also, thanks to Steve Augsberger who gave me some insight on filtering out the AC signal being picked up by the secondary coil.