
The Triabot is based upon an Arduino Mega 256k development system with a Parallax Shield. It is capable of transmitting any patient’s vitals, through an Xbee transmitter using a Parallax SIP adapter, to a base station personal computer up to 15 miles away. By acquiring the pulse, SpO2 readings, detecting systolic diastolic blood pressure, and body temperature (detected through a LM-34 sensor), we can report the necessary vital biometric readings to determine the approximate health and condition of a individual.

I think that the Triabot addresses an important problem in today’s world: when a disaster strikes there will be many more victims than there are responders.  Responders need a way of monitoring victims remotely while the most critical are treated. In addition, the Triabot can be used in large hospitals where there are many patients and only a few nurses and doctors.