Contest Name: Box Maze
Submitted By: Courtesy of Gary Reynolds, Physics Instructor at Santa Ana High School, Santa Ana, CA
- Boe-Bot, Shield-Bot, ActivityBot or Similar Robot
- 3 (three) 36-inch long 1×6” or 2×6” Boards
- 2 (two) 14-inch long 1×6” or 2×6” Boards
- 1 (one) 20-inch long 1×6” or 2×6” Board
- (Similarly sized hard objects can be used instead of boards)
- Right angle brackets or other means for holding up the center board
- The objective is for the robot to locate the opening and exit the box in the shortest time possible from each position.
About the Robots:
- The robots in this game must be similarly matched in capability – wheel encoders should either be required for all robots or not allowed for any, top speeds should be similar, the sensors allowed should be the same.
About the course/field:
- A robot fitted with touch sensors, IR sensors, or a PING))) sensor will be given 3 different positions and directions to start within the box, unknown beforehand.

About the Game:
- This competition tests the robot’s response to its sensors, accurate movement, and strategy of the programmer.
- Raw score is the sum of seconds for exiting from the three different starting points.
- Any robot that does not exit within 120 seconds is stopped and assigned 120 seconds for that attempt.
- Maximum score allowed is 50 points. Note that three exits within 20 seconds or less will give a maximum score. Failure to exit 3 times produces a zero score.
- Scoring formula: