It’s time to program your ActivityBot! If you’ve done the prerequisite tutorials listed on the first page of this “book” you already have the SimpleIDE software installed on your computer, and some experience with programming your Propeller Activity Board. If not, it’s time to get that done!
The software you will use is called SimpleIDE. It is available for Windows and Mac (and even Linux or the Raspberry Pi if you are willing to compile it). It’s an open-source C programming environment for the multi-core Propeller microcontroller. It is important to always use the most recent version of the software, as well as the most recent Learn folder which may be updated separately.
Now it’s time to try a little Propeller C programming. This will help you get familiar with the SimpleIDE software and the Propeller C language and Simple Libraries.
Last chance, make sure you have the latest Propeller C Learn folder, with libraries and example code for both the original ActivityBot and the ActivityBot 360°.
Get the latest Propeller C Learn Folder
When you want to try an example program, be sure to look for the file in the right folder for your particular robot:
For ActivityBots with external encoders: ….DocumentsSimpleIDELearnExamplesRobotsActivityBot
For ActivityBots with Feedback 360° servos ….DocumentsSimpleIDELearnExamplesRobotsActivityBot 360