The multicore Propeller microcontroller opens up a new level of invention possibilities for students. Programming it in its native high-level language, Spin, makes optimal use of this unique and powerful multicore microcontroller.
Why choose Spin?
- Spin’s design was inspired by great attributes of three other languages, Delphi, C, and Python, and by envisioning new solutions to common programming problems
- The syntax is very clean, structured, and simple, maximizing use of vertical and horizontal space — no curly braces or semicolons required
- The language is not case-sensitive, a great advantage for new programmers
- Spin is an object based, interpreted language — allowing for sophisticated reusable code that requires less memory space than many compiled languages
- Use convenient pre-written code objects straight from the public Propeller Object Exchange repository, combined with your own custom code
- Command set gives easy deterministic control over system resources
- Natively supports Propeller Assembly (PASM) for high-speed processes
- The Propeller Tool programming software applies syntax highlighting and block group indicators to make code easier to read and understand
What programming concepts are covered?
- 42 mathematical operators
- Handling values in decimal, hexadecimal, quaternary, and binary formats
- Constants and bit, byte, 16-bit word, and 32-bit long variables
- Infinite, counted, and conditional looping with REPEAT…FROM…TO…STEP…UNTIL…WHILE, NEXT, and QUIT
- Data display and data input with an included serial terminal
- Memory access via symbol, symbol[index], BYTE, WORD, LONG, BYTEMOVE, WORDMOVE, LONGMOVE, and more
- Features for monitoring and generating voltage signals on I/O pins, such as IN/OUT registers and Counter Modules
- Multicore control with COGNEW, COGINIT, and COGSTOP to execute Spin or PASM code in cogs (processors)
- Process and power control with LOCK and WAIT instructions
Learn More…
- Propeller Questions and Answers webhelp
- Propeller Language Reference
- Propeller BOE Spin Tutorials
- Propeller Education Kit & Labs in the Parallax store