Tutorial focus: - Any - Robot--ActivityBot--Scribbler 3--Scribbler 2--SumoBot WX--Boe-Bot--Shield-Bot--Scribbler Robot--cyber:bot--Badge WX--ELEV-8--ARLOLanguage--Propeller C--Arduino--BlocklyProp--PBASIC--Python--Spin--MakeCode Accessories: - Any - ActivityBotColorPALDC MotorFLiP Try-It KitGripperIR & RemoteJoystickkitsLEDsmicroSD CardOLED DisplayPiezo/Veho SpeakerPING)))Pixy2 Camerapython-2QTIRFIDScribbler 3Security Class PackStandard ServoSTEM Class PackTilt SensorWiFi Module XBee PropellerC Propeller C – Simple Devices PropellerC Remote Control Rock, Talk, and Roll ActivityBot BlocklyProp Hacker Port Expansion BlocklyProp IR Remote Control ActivityBot with Blockly BlocklyProp IR Remote Control with the S3 Arduino IR Remote Controlled Shield-Bot Project BlocklyProp IR Beacon-Seeking ActivityBot with BlocklyProp BlocklyProp Peeking Doll Project