Radio-Transmit Tilt
The radio_tilt_transmit_test project is a modified version of display_tilt_down_with_leds with packetizing and transmitting from Cybersecurity: Radio Data’s Send and Receive packets activity. The packet it sends contains x, y, and needle key-value pairs that the receiver will be able to parse and use.
Example project: radio_tilt_transmit_test
- If you are in a classroom, adjust the radio set group in the project to your assigned channel.
- Enter and flash radio_tilt_transmit_test into the micro:bit that you will use to measure and transmit tilt data.
- Open the terminal.
- Tilt the micro:bit in various directions.
- Verify that it displays the direction you are tilting with the LEDs.
- Verify that it displays the x, y, and needle measurements in the terminal.