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RFID Scan and Store to EEPROM Project

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2 students

This project demonstrates two important functionalities:

  1. using the Serial RFID Reader to read numbers from RFID Tags, and
  2. storing numbers and text data in the Propeller’s EEPROM so the two can be related.

By organizing your data in EEPROM you can create and easily access a database of records. While the example uses names of our presidents, it could be used as a basis to identify machines in a makerspace, inventory types or asset tracking. Humans more readily relate descriptions or names to an item than a number.

The FLiP module was chosen due to low cost and small size, but this project can also be done with the Propeller Activity Board WX—which may be a better choice if you want to quickly add Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity with the WX Module.

Parts List


Propeller I/O Connections


If using an Activity Board instead of a FL!P, follow the wiring schematics and make sure to choose different I/O pins for the RFID reader connections. Correct your code to use the pins you selected. If you need an example, take a look at the wiring diagram from our C-language RFID Reader tutorial.

  • FLiP and RFID Reader
    • RFID VCC to 5V
    • RFID GND to GND
    • FLiP P25 to RFID Reader /ENABLE pin
    • FLiP P24 to RFID Reader SOUT pin through 4.7 k-ohm resistor
  • FLiP and 96×64 Color OLED Module
    • OLED Vcc to 3.3V
    • OLED GND to GND
    • FLiP P0 to OLED DIN pin
    • FLiP P1 to OLED CLK pin
    • FLiP P2 to OLED CS pin
    • FLiP P3 to OLED D/C pin
    • FLiP P4 to OLED RES pin