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Robotics with the Board of Education Shield for Arduino

All levels
148 lessons
0 quizzes
6 students

Build your own smart BOE Shield-Bot robot with an Arduino brain!

First, get a Shield-Bot!

Then, follow the tutorial!

Teaching robotics in a school or club?

Check out each Chapter Summary (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) to see what STEM skills and concepts your students will soak up.  If you use the BOE Shield-Bot in your classroom curriculum, we’d love to hear all about it.  Email

New to robotics?

No problem! The activities and projects in this text start with an introduction to the BOE Shield-Bot’s brain, the Arduino® Uno. Then, you will build, test, and calibrate the BOE Shield-Bot.  Next, you will learn to program the BOE Shield-Bot for basic maneuvers.  After that, you’ll be ready to add different kinds of sensors, and write sketches to make the BOE Shield-Bot sense its environment and respond on its own.

New to microcontroller programming?

This is a good place to start! The code examples introduce Arduino programming concepts little by little, with each example sketch explained fully.

New to electronics?

See how each electronic component is used with a circuit symbol and part drawing. Traditional schematics next to wiring diagrams make it easy to build the circuits.

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