This section contains downloads and resources for educators teaching with the Propeller microcontroller or any of its stand-alone boards (excluding ELEV-8 Flight Controller resources). This section does not include ActivityBot-specific resources.
The Propeller chip is a multicore microcontroller that is programmable in high-level languages (Spin™ and C) as well as a low-level (Propeller assembly) language. This microcontroller is the brains for our ActivityBot robot, ELEV-8 Flight Controller, and more.
For ActivityBot robotics resources, click here.
This material is restricted to registered educators only. If you are an educator who does not have an account on Learn, you can send an email to (from a valid school email address) to register.
To learn more about the Propeller Multicore Microcontroller, go through our small introductory guide to multicore programming:
Propeller Brains for Your Inventions
Looking for our C-language or BlocklyProp tutorials?
We have extra projects you can do, too: