Propeller Activity Kit Info

Product Info

Kit Includes: Propeller Activity Board, USB Cable, What's a MicrocontrollerParts Kit, Micro SD Card, and Battery Holder

Topical Intros

Propeller Brains For Your Inventions (8 pages)

Propeller C - Set Up SimpleIDE (3 pages)

Propeller C - Start Simple (11 pages)

Propeller C - Simple Circuits (8 pages)

Propeller C - Simple Devices (Kit supports SD Card Data, Play WAV Files, & Standard Servo)

Textbook Intro

What's a Multicore Microcontroller

[Overview] [Chapters 1 to 6 Draft .pdf]  [Code Examples]

Further Investigation

Propeller C Tutorials also has material for further exploration into C langauge and the multicore Propeller Microcontroller with: Functions, Multicore Approaches, Library Studies, Pointers on Data, Reference, and an I2C Tutorial from Simple Protocols.