What it’s about
In these activities, you will set up and test your breadboard prototyping system for your micro:bit module. Along the way, you will learn some important circuit building and measuring skills.
Before you start
You will need:
- A What’s a Microcontroller with Python and micro:bit kit (Parallax #32750).
- A computer with a Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser and available USB 2.0 compatible port
Complete these tutorials first:
After You Finish
You will be able to:
- Connect wires and part leads together with a breadboard
- Build circuits on a breadboard
- Test for proper electrical connections, supply levels, and even part values
You will also be ready to move on to the next tutorial (coming soon!)
Breadboard Setup and Testing for micro:bit
Connect the micro:bit to a Breadboard
What is a Breadboard?
Parts & Circuit
First Electrical Connections with a Breadboard
How To Connect Two Wires
Parts & Circuit
Node Tests
Try This - Probing the Board
How it Works
Set Power for Circuits
Parts & Circuit
Test the Supply Rails
How the Supply Rail Tests Work
Try This - Electrical Potential
CYBERscope Setup
CYBERscope Voltmeter
First Breadboard Circuit
Parts: LED and Resistors
Build the LED Circuit
Check & Test the LED Circuit
How the LED Circuit Works
Resistor Codes & Electron Flow
Try This - Change the Resistor
Review and Practice