Review and Practice

Measurement Units Self-check

  • Do you know the SI units and their unit name and symbol?
  • Do you know the metric units and their decimal values?
  • Can you convert quantities using metric prefixes, including using scientific notation?


  1. What is SI an abbreviation for?
  2. Is "length" a quantity name or a dimension symbol?
  3. Is meter a unit name or unit symbol?
  4. What is the symbol for the SI unit of time?
  5. What is the symbol for the SI unit of resistance?
  6. Are V and Ω SI units or prefixes?
  7. What decimal value does M signify?
  8. What is the metric prefix for 1000?


  1. Express the number 1 as a fraction with 0.001 in the denominator and its corresponding metric prefix in the numerator.
  2. Express 10,000 Ω in kΩ.
  3. Express the number 1 as a fraction with M in the denominator and its corresponding decimal value in the numerator.
  4. Express 100 kΩ in Ω.


Explain how to update the Ohmmeter Parts drawing so that it uses SI units and metric prefixes.  Your goal is to keep any quantities in the 1 to 999 range.