Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Registration

Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Registration

As of the date this was published, all model aircraft weighing more than 0.55 pounds (250 grams) in the United States must be registered before they can be flown outdoors. This category includes the Parallax ELEV-8 Quadcopter. Registration costs $5.00 per person and is valid for 3 years.  The fee is per person, and one person may fly as many sUAV/model aircraft as they own.

This federal registration program was very new as of the date this was published, and onging adjustments and clarifications are anticipated.  You are responsible for educating yourself and staying up-to-date with the latest regulations, which can be found at the link below.

Register your sUAV with the Federal Aviation Administration's UAS Registry here before flying outdoors.

Nearly all motorized craft - including cars, motorcycles, boats, and airplanes are registered in some manner because they can all do harm or cause injury if they are not used properly and safely. sUAVs are no exception. Even small sUAVs can seriously injure someone if they are not flown responsibly.

Once you have registered, you will receive a registration number that must be put on your sUAV. It must be visible and affixed where can be accessed without using any tools (inside of a battery compartment that slides off is okay). If you are under 13, a responsible adult must register AND be with you any time that you are flying.

DO NOT FLY an sUAV without registering it first!