Activity 5: Make Decisions

Your BOE Shield-Bot will need to make a lot of navigation decisions based on sensor inputs.  Here is a simple sketch that demonstrates decision-making.  It compares the value of a to b, and sends a message to tell you whether or not a is greater than b, with an if…else statement. 

If the condition (a > b) is true, it executes the if statement’s code block: Serial.print("a is greater than b").  If a is not greater than b, it executes else code block instead: Serial.print("a is not greater than b")

  • Enter the code into the Arduino editor, save it, and upload it to the Arduino.
  • Open the Serial Monitor and test to make sure you got the right message.
  • Try swapping the values for a and b.
  • Re-upload the sketch and verify that it printed the other message.
// Robotics with the BOE Shield - SimpleDecisions

void setup()

  int a = 89;
  int b = 42;

  if(a > b)
    Serial.print("a is greater than b");
    Serial.print("a is not greater than b");

void loop()
  // Empty, no repeating code.