Try This: Improve the Script

Try This - Prove it Works

If you’re skeptical that packet = "HAPPY" followed by getattr(Image, packet) is equivalent to Image.HAPPY, try this:

  • Add this routine between sleep(1000) and while True: in the transmitter script
  • Flash the modified script with the Send to micro:bit button.
print("Image.HAPPY =", Image.HAPPY)
packet = "HAPPY"
print( "getattr(Image, packet) =", getattr(Image, packet) )    
  • If the serial monitor isn't already open, click Show serial.
  • Verify that the results resemble what’s shown here.

Image(…) has brightness data for each LED in the display.  In this case it only uses 0 (LED off), and 9 (LED brightest).  Values between 0 and 9 for each LED can be used to control the brightness.


Your Turn - Compact your Code

This code takes up unnecessary program space in the micro:bit module’s memory.  

    packet = "HAPPY"
    print("Send:", packet)
    packet = "SAD"
    print("Send:", packet)

    packet = "ANGRY"
    print("Send:", packet)

Your program can instead create a list like string_list = ["HAPPY", "SAD", "ANGRY"].  Then, inside the while True loop, the for packet in string_list can index through each string in string_list.

  • Use that hint to modify the radio_send_images transmitter script.  
  • Test and verify your solution.