How cyber_bot_gripper_forward_object_with_fb360 Works
After importing the cyberbot feedback 360 modules, starting the system with drive.connect(), and pointing toward the B button, the script goes into an endless while True: loop that monitors the micro:bit module’s B button.
# cyber_bot_gripper_forward_object_with_fb360 from cyberbot import * from feedback360 import * drive.connect() while True:
If the B button was pressed, the cyber:bot starts by rolling forward at 64 increments per second for ½ a second, then stops. An increment is a 64th of a turn, so it means the wheel is turning one revolution per second, or 60 revolutions per minute (RPM).
The routine is appended with a sleep(1000) call to make sure the cyber:bot has completely come to rest. Once at full stop, the script uses bot(15).servo_angle(30) to close the Gripper. It is followed by sleep(1500) to give the gripper time to close and lift, and also to make a slight pause between picking up the object and starting to move.
if button_b.was_pressed(): display.clear() bot(15).servo_angle(150) # lower & open gripper sleep(1500) drive.speed(64, 64) # Forward 0.5 s sleep(500) drive.speed(0, 0) sleep(1000) bot(15).servo_angle(30) # close gripper & lift sleep(1500)
After lifting the object, this part of the script makes the cyber:bot roll forward for 1.25 s. Then, it lowers and opens the Gripper, setting down the object.
drive.speed(64, 64) # Forward 1.25 s sleep(1250) drive.speed(0, 0) sleep(1000) bot(15).servo_angle(150) # Lower & open gripper sleep(1500)
Finally, it backs up for 0.5 s so that the object is no longer between the Gripper paddles.
drive.speed(-64, -64) # Backward 0.5 s sleep(500) drive.speed(0, 0)