Measuring Rotation Angles

Example script: test_accel_xy_angle

  • Enter this script and save it as test_accel_xy_angle.  
  • Flash the script into the micro:bit.
# test_accel_xy_angle

from microbit import *
import math


while True:
    x = accelerometer.get_x()
    y = accelerometer.get_y()

    angle = round( math.degrees( math.atan2(y, x) ) )

    print("x =", x, ", y =", y, ", angle =", angle)

  • Open the terminal.
  • Verify that the angles reported are correct as you hold the micro:bit vertically, and rotate it to: 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 135° ,180°, 225°, 270°, 315°, and 360°.  Make a note of x, y, and angle for each rotation.


  • Repeat the rotations, but for each vertical rotation, tilt it away from you by 45° before measuring.  As before, note the x, y, and angle values.
  • Divide x into y at 45° rotation.
  • Divide x into y at 45° rotation plus 45° tilt-away.  

Are both results close to 1?

  • Repeat  for 90° and 135°.

See how the x and y values are different for rotated vs. rotated+tilted but the y/x ratios work out to the same?